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Feb 23
Do 20:00 Backstage Club

Conflict have been cited by many as the world’s foremost Activist Anarchist punk band.
Conflict hold a unique and fascinating position of being hugely influential in the ANARCHIST MOVEMENT inspiring tens of thousands worldwide. Their calls to direct action have been met by ACTIVISTS in great numbers throughout the years, Conflict remain active on all fronts to date.
Conflict releases have dominated the independent charts since the groups debut single –
The house that man built was released in 1981. This reached No 1.
Thereafter Conflict releases mostly followed suit shifting tens of thousands of units worldwide.
Conflict -The ungovernable force. This album is considered by most to be Conflicts coming of age, inspiring so many in so many ways globally
This entered the charts straight at No 1 and remained there for weeks on end, even holding off THE SMITHS - the queen is dead album.
MORRISSEY has since spoke if his frustration at having to be content with No 2. THE UNGOVERNABLE FORCE.
